Sport Climbing
Are you an experienced indoor climber ready to take on the great outdoors? Our Sport Climbing Course is perfect for you!
Transitioning to outdoor climbing can be challenging without the safety of a top rope. That's why our skilled, professional guides will teach you essential lead climbing techniques, ensuring your safety and setting you up for success in your climbing career. Don't miss this opportunity to learn the correct Sport climbing skills from the start!
What You Will Learn
At the conclusion of our sport climbing courses, students will have gained a solid foundation in outdoor sport climbing. They will possess essential knowledge about the gear, effective lead climbing techniques, constructing secure sport anchors, cleaning anchors, and safely descending with an extended rappel.
Furthermore, they will be equipped with the skills to provide a reliable lead belay, making them desirable climbing partners. In addition, they will understand the necessary equipment required to transition from indoor climbing or top roping to leading on permanently fixed bolts in the outdoors.
They will have a thorough understanding of leading bolt-protected routes, ensuring the safety of the lead climber. Effective communication, evaluating safety systems, and performing safety checks will be emphasized, providing participants with the ability to lead with confidence.
Lastly, they will learn proper route cleaning techniques and develop an understanding of outdoor climbing etiquette and ethics. By the end of this course, participants will feel ready to lead bolt-protected climbs at local sport climbing areas.
what is sport climbing?
Sport climbing is a type of free climbing, where climbers ascend in pairs. The lead climber secures themselves to permanent bolts using quick draws, while the second climber removes the quick draws as they follow. This method eliminates the need for cumbersome temporary protection equipment, making sport climbing safer than traditional climbing. It should be noted that sport climbing is different from free solo climbing, which involves no climbing protection. Additionally, the term "sport climbing" is sometimes used to describe the sport of competition climbing, which includes lead climbing, bouldering, and speed climbing.