Intro to outdoor rock climbing
The intro to outdoor rock climbing course is perfect for families or gym climbers looking to venture into the wonderful world of outdoor rock climbing. this course covers everything from top rope climbing, belay techniques, introduction to anchor building, bouldering, spotting, outdoor rock climbing techniques, crag ethics, and route finding. What sets this course apart from the rest is the wealth of climbing opportunities it provides. It's the ideal choice for climbers who crave more guidance and instruction as they make the move to outdoor rock climbing.
What Is Covered In Our Intro To Rock Climbing Course
This course is specifically designed to provide indoor climbers with a comprehensive introduction to outdoor rock climbing. It caters to those who are eager to make the transition from indoor climbing but have yet to determine their preferred climbing style. The course includes instruction on bouldering, spotting, top-out techniques, maneuvering the pad, outdoor belaying, top rope climbing, route finding, and various techniques unique to outdoor climbing. With an emphasis on hands-on experience, this course offers more climbing opportunities than any other program we offer. The sequence of bouldering and rope climbing can be tailored to suit individual preferences and timing requirements.